Charity Events DownTown Las Vegas Entertainment Family

Jersey Boys to kick off the NF Network fundraiser at Flightlinez

Help thousands of families in a quick zip during the NF Hope benefit!

The NF Network and cast of Jersey Boys Las Vegas help raise awareness and money as supporters zip down the Fremont Street Experience

Flightlinez zipline attraction, Fremont Street Experience and NF Network

Flightlinez and the Fremont Street Experience will donate all net revenue from zipline rides on Monday, May 7 from noon to midnight to NF Network.

Neurofibromatosis (NF) Network was founded in 1988 in efforts help families affected by NF. NF is a genetic disorder causing tumors to grow along the nervous system including in the skin, just below the skin, in internal organs and in the brain and spinal cord. An unpredictable disease, it can cause tumors to form on the nerves, sometimes resulting in disfigurement, paralysis, deafness, blindness or cancer. Despite decades of research, there is still no cure for NF, and treatment options are largely inadequate.

Jersey Boys Las Vegas star and NF Network chairperson, Jeff Leibow, knows the value and comfort the NF Network can provide firsthand. “When our daughter, Emma, was first diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, we immediately hit the internet trying to learn what it was. We found the NF Network. They were like a ray of sunshine. They guided us to pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons and support groups. They told us what NF was to someone living with the disorder. They calmed us down, and helped us to look forward without the fear. That is why I support them…that is why I am helping raise funds for them…so they can be around to help the next family that calls.”

Facts about NF:

  • NF 1, the most common form occurs 1 out of every 3,000 births


  • NF2, occurs 1 out of every 30,000 births


  • Schwannomatosis occurs 1 out of every 40,000 births


  • NF is more common than cystic fibrosis, Duchene muscular dystrophy &Huntington’s disease combined


  • NF can cause symptoms in virtually any organ system in the body


  • These tumors can cause a variety of symptoms including severe pain, disfigurement, deformity, brain tumors, blindness, deafness, learning disabilities, memory loss, heart disease, orthopedic problems and in some cases death


  • The NF gene controls other pathways which are directly related to most forms of human cancer, cognitive disorders and heart disease affecting over 175 million Americans


  • Research in NF also benefits millions of people who suffer from cognitive disorders, cancer and heart disease


Flightlinez is committed to serving the Las Vegas community by hosting charitable fundraisers throughout the year. The monthly events have been a great way to put the “fun” back in fundraising for so many charities during tough economic years. In early 2011, Flightlinez and Fremont Street Experience began hosting these monthly events and have donated more than $200,000 to various charities.

Monday, May 7, 2012
Noon until midnight

Noon until 6 p.m. Flightlinez Zipline rides are $15
6 p.m. until midnight Flightlinez Zipline rides are $20

Fremont Street Experience
425 Fremont Street
Downtown Las Vegas, NV

Flightlinez owns and operates the zipline ride attraction located at the Fremont Street Experience and continuously puts forth fundraising efforts to support charities and worthwhile causes in Las Vegas. For more information on Flightlinez, please visit or call 702-410-7999.


About Neurofibromatosis Network:
Neurofibromatosis Network is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. It consists of families affected by NF who are dedicated to advocating for medical research, supporting education of individuals and healthcare providers. The organization’s investment in NF research has consistently led to new discoveries in NF, as well as many forms of cancer and learning disabilities. For more information on NF Network contact them by phone at (630) 510-1115, by email at [email protected], or visit the organization’s website at

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