
Ambassador Nathan Atkins Cheers Las Vegas as New Love Capital of World

Nathan Atkins

Ambassador Nathan Atkins Cheers

Las Vegas as New Love Capital of World

Las Vegas now tops Paris as the Love Capital of the World, an honor coinciding with Valentine’s Day proclaims Nathan Atkins, an expert on the subject. He earned the title Ambassador of Love thanks to a unique business venture that promotes sensuality and good health by playing an active role as the “Dr. Feelgood” whose prescriptions for happiness are drug-free, non-addictive and freely available to everyone in reach of an iPhone, tablet or PC.

“I am launching a special Valentine’s Day campaign for all women and men to celebrate, a physical and spiritual feast that enriches our joys and pleasures,” says Atkins. “Las Vegas is a bonanza for online purchasing. Statistically, online buyers skyrocket the nation’s business profits. Las Vegas buyers are savvy shoppers. My Valentine’s Day thank you is to love everyone back with special treats on a visit

Atkins proudly proves that variety is the spice of life inviting us to explore “Lovers Choice for Couples”. Attractively wrapped his-and-hers servings of Morning Supreme and Gourmet Dark super-antioxidant coffee, buzz our wake-up call to Valentine bliss. Do not deprive yourself of “Lovers Choice for You” chocolate indulgences including dark chocolates with natural antioxidants that produce serotonin, the feel-good chemical in the brain. Serotonin is scientifically proven to reduce stress hormones and shield the body from pervasive stress. Ancient herbs like Tongat Ali boost testosterone production and reduce corisol levels (stress hormone) allowing people to naturally improve the physical and emotional effects of romance. “Tongat Ali roots, also known s “Malaysian ginseng.” have been evaluated as an anti-aging remedy.

Shining a scientific light on romance enhances the glow, says Atkins as long as you do your homework before, not during!

The glory of the male anatomy is celebrated in classic sculpture at the Vatican by Michelangelo himself, notes Atkins who will tell you that nature itself is a work of art. “Let’s enjoy these facts: natural Amino Acids like L-Citrulline impact the amount of blood flow to tissue of the male anatomy by encouraging the smooth muscles in the body to relax, therefore allowing more blood and oxygen to be delivered to the working muscles. And that’s a mighty good thing for Valentine’s Day and the other 364 days!”

Rising to his subject, Nathan Atkins eagerly describes mouth-watering delicacies like Acai Blueberry and Dark Chocolate truffles. “These delicacies deliver satisfaction that translates into performance peaks for men and women Yet the advantages of probiotics are added for “premium” chocolates, a show stopper, Nathan enthuses, with 10 unique probiotic strains to support digestive and immune health while being “wickedly delicious.” Staying healthy tastes and FEELS so good.”

Valentine’s Day and the Las Vegas Love Ambassador’s enthusiasm for introducing creative products like “Lovers Choice” is part of Nathan Atkins’ mission to perpetuate romance for all.

With a winning smile he reminds us that while “beauty is only skin deep” most of us prefer to to keep that youthful glow alive as we seek magic remedies. “I frankly promote alternative aging serums including my Atkins-favored formulas for optimum skin care such as Oreve Viper Peptide Age Defying Cream. Yes, that’s a mouthful. But I assure you it’s extraordinary! Powerful and age-defying!”

Atkins welcomes visitors to his online “lovers” boutique at

Let the superlatives fall where they may, there is a missionary zeal in Las Vegan Nathan Atkins born of his earnest desire to exalt love and lovers. A Valentine’s Day salute to one and all of us!

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