Comedy Reviews

Sinbad Keeps Them Laughing



There is one comedian who every person seems to know by name and that name is Sinbad. I don’t think I have ever come across anyone who did not know who Sinbad is. He’s the ADHD funny guy that is loved by everyone and he gave his public what they wanted once again at the Orleans Showroom in Las Vegas over this past weekend.

Sinbad’s Humor

Sinbad is known for his clean act. This doesn’t mean that he’s never going to say “damn” or only uses humor a child can understand. He will find the humor in some pretty tough subjects from time to time. He talks about being ADHD as a kid (and as a grown up) and gives some hilarious suggestions to teachers in the audience on how they can get along with these kids. He has also been known to get his audience laughing about difficult subjects like sexual harassment and others difficult subjects. He’s sharp and he never misses the mark when a member of the audience leaves him an opening to make everyone laugh. And he always does it in a family friendly way.

Sinbad’s performance is heavy on audience participation. Often his regular routine will involve asking the crowd a question. People will call out answers to him from their seats and he’ll always turn the resulting conversation into a sidesplitting, laugh until you cry experience.

Sinbad in Las Vegas

This weekend’s performance was light on storytelling and heavy on audience participation. He played at my favorite spot, the Orleans Showroom, on both Friday and Saturday nights. The place was packed and looked to be sold out, but his shows are always nearly sold out. The audience laughed and laughed hard all throughout the show.

Everyone loves Sinbad. Even in Las Vegas, where most comedians are touting how their act is the dirtiest ever, Sinbad is still selling out the rooms he plays by keeping it pretty clean. If you are ever in the mood for an hour and a half of deep belly laughs, look for Sinbad at the Orleans Showroom at the Orleans Casino. He plays there a couple of times per year. Tell him Pam sent ya.

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